
My name is Gina and I would like to welcome you to my blog!

On this blog, I not only share the dietary and lifestyle approach which reversed my metabolic disease and achieved my weight loss, but I also debunk many misconceptions surrounding obesity and its treatment.

I am 5'5" and was weighing 300 lbs., at my heaviest. I lost a total of 180 lbs. I went through several phases of low carbohydrate dieting, until I found what worked best and that is what I share on this blog. Once on a carbohydrate restricted diet, along with intermittent fasting, I dropped all of the weight in a little over two years time.

My weight loss was achieved without any kind of surgery, bariatric or cosmetic. I also did not take any weight loss medications or supplements. I did not use any weight loss program. This weight loss was solely the result of a very low carbohydrate, whole foods based diet, along with daily intermittent fasting and exercise.

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Oct 18, 2021

Six common beliefs addressed, Part 147

1. Is whole milk obesogenic?

People always make definitive statements about a specific food item but things do not work that way. Milk can be very slimming or can be very obesogenic depending on how its consumed and the metabolic state and overall diet of the person consuming it. For example, if you swap orange juice for milk, then milk is very slimming. But if you drink milk with your dinner, then it can be very obesogenic. If you are already overweight/obese, then it can affect you more. 

Milk is the most nutritious food on the planet. It creates a significant rise in insulin through its whey protein content. This rise in insulin is for the building of lean body mass as milk is the only food that a growing mammal has access to until their teeth and stomach fully develop. Knowing these facts about milk, we can now guess what kind of effects it can have on metabolism. Let's see how milk can become obesogenic: 
  • It is extremely difficult to become fat off milk alone but adults do not consume milk alone. Adults are already grown and eating solid food, so adding milk to their diet can add additional dietary fat that can easily go over their daily fat allotment. Milk drinking should be limited to one cup a day and no more. 
  • People usually say they like milk but what they really like instead is what they add to it. Adding any sweet flavoring to milk will make it extremely obesogenic, regardless of its calories. Sweet taste is a signal to the body to store whatever is being eaten. 
  • People who are actively gaining weight or stalled, can do without the milk. This has nothing to do with the lactose in it. This has to do with the fat in it. Milk is very high in fat. 
  • Everything else the person eats, alongside high insulin levels, contributes further to fat storage. A good quality whey protein should only be supplemented in order to reach your daily protein goals and it should not be taken in the form of milk. Whey protein supplements do no contain fat, they are only protein. 
As you can see, access to milk has always been advantageous but the advantages only go so far before the 'Law of Diminishing Returns' sets in. In other words, milk is only good until it becomes bad.  

2. "Keto" advocates are extremely fat. 

This is true and if I had a dollar for every time I see this statement, I would be retiring this blog and renaming it from 'Journey to Metabolic Health' to 'Journey Through Hawaii'. I don't even know if the people saying this are just trolling or they are truly confused. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's the latter, since I understand that it's pretty strange to see morbidly obese people swearing up and down that their diet "works". 

People who are new to ketogenic diets, or simply low carb diets in general, see these obese low carb/"keto" proponents and are stunned. Then they come to me for answers before they walk away from these diets all together. I can tell you one thing off the bat - These people are not following a proper ketogenic or low carb protocol, regardless of what their mouths say. Their middle is saying otherwise. 

All of these obese "keto" and low carb advocates are simply eating "franken diets" of very low protein, exuberantly high fat, artificial sweetener/fat laden desserts while also replacing Standard American Diet (SAD) favorites with low carb or "keto" versions. They are also sitting on their recliners all day, complaining about the Dietary Guidelines and how jogging won't get you to slim while rejoicing over their new "lower blood glucose". 

None of these people are representatives of true ketogenic or low carb lifestyles. Swapping out Brayer's Ice Cream for Rebel Ice Cream does not make you low carb. It makes you a fool who is simply following a "ketofied" version of the SAD diet and remaining just as fat. 

3. I am frustrated because I am trying to help two of my friends with low carb but one of them continues eating apples and potatoes and the other one keeps flip flopping through different protocols. She is now asking me about "resistant starch". I have seen them go through the fasting phase, rice phase and dozens of different low carb doctor phases. 

Don't waste your energy on these type of people. I know you want to help but you can't help anyone who can't help themselves or you will be carrying around dead weight. 

Some people just like to play games and think they are too smart for anyone to notice. They want to be coddled and become the center of attention so they can make their problem someone else's problem too. These two are not serious about losing any weight or getting healthier. They are simply dabbling and experimenting while using your energy to do so. 

Low carb is not rocket science. It's actually so simple that you can get the gist of what to eat in less than 30 minutes. I write blog articles as a hobby, for those who want more information, but you don't need to read a single thing I write to know what to eat on low carb - meat and above ground vegetables

The gaslighting begins when that's not enough for the person and they desperately try to find a way to make a low carb diet that includes carbs. That's all these two are trying to do. They just try to play it off as being "confused" or "researching". But I see right through those games. Focus on yourself. Addressing obesity/metabolic syndrome is a full time occupation and it's done solo as no one else can do it for you. 

4. I have seen products that are marked "keto" but when I read the ingredients, they contain sugar, grains and other carbs. These things are not "keto".

Ketosis is a metabolic state where you mainly burn fat for fuel. It's not a specific product or list of ingredients. Any food on the planet can be "keto", as long as it allows you to burn fat as a primary fuel. The products that you are talking about have been formulated to be "keto". So regardless of their ingredients, if the serving size is followed, these products allow for the person to remain in ketosis if their overall diet is ketogenic. 

I need for people to understand something, which seems to continue being misunderstood - Ketogenic diets do not eliminate any specific foods. You can eat sugar on a ketogenic diet. The only requirement that a ketogenic protocol has is to keep you in ketosis, or in other words, primarily burning fat for fuel. For instance, you can live off honey and still be in ketosis if you eat very little of it and that's all you eat in the day. Starvation causes ketosis. Exercise causes ketosis. Sleeping causes ketosis. 

Ketogenic diets followed for the improvement of metabolic health and the treatment of obesity, should not be followed for the sake of sustaining ketosis, per say, but because they are very low in carbs. This helps stabilize blood glucose. Only through stable blood glucose can you burn body fat in the long term. This fat should be coming from your body's own fat stores. Because of this, the quality of the diet must be top notch so these "keto" products should be avoided as the obese respond particularly negatively to processed foods and simply can't just "eat to their macros". This has nothing to do with ketosis itself. It's just a fact of the overweight/obese. So just because the overweight/obese must monitor their food quality, does not mean that sugar is not "keto". 

5. I am going crazy reading through every single ingredient in foods.

Stop reading. The foods you should be eating do not come packaged with labels to read. Eat like they did before the food industry began. Reading a label should not drive you crazy as buying bottled, canned, boxed, bagged or packaged food, of any kind, should be an extremely rare event. 

6. Even if you make "keto" sweets at home, there are good brands of already made products so you can have the occasional treat on hand.

We don't deal with those types of eating habits on this blog. We only advise serious protocols for the treatment of metabolic dysfunction and obesity. We don't coddle, make excuses or concessions for behaviors that interfere in that treatment. Having "treats on hand", whether home made or store bought, is not in any protocol that we recommend.

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