
My name is Gina and I would like to welcome you to my blog!

On this blog, I not only share the dietary and lifestyle approach which reversed my metabolic disease and achieved my weight loss, but I also debunk many misconceptions surrounding obesity and its treatment.

I am 5'5" and was weighing 300 lbs., at my heaviest. I lost a total of 180 lbs. I went through several phases of low carbohydrate dieting, until I found what worked best and that is what I share on this blog. Once on a carbohydrate restricted diet, along with intermittent fasting, I dropped all of the weight in a little over two years time.

My weight loss was achieved without any kind of surgery, bariatric or cosmetic. I also did not take any weight loss medications or supplements. I did not use any weight loss program. This weight loss was solely the result of a very low carbohydrate, whole foods based diet, along with daily intermittent fasting and exercise.

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Mar 21, 2022

Six common beliefs addressed, Part 167

1. No one had an issue when I was eating cookies and cereals but they have an issue now that I eat "real food".

Oh, they would have had an issue with your cookies and cereal if they saw how you really ate them. Guaranteed. Obese people like to hide things so that they appear normal to others. If these same people that are having this issue with you eating real food, saw you eat an entire package of cookies and a whole box of cereal, they would have had an issue with that as well.

The reason medical professionals didn't have an issue with you eating cookies and cereals is because they didn't see you eating that entire box either. They thought you were following a calorically restricted diet. Like I have said before, caloric restriction is the antidote to a high carb diet.

People conveniently misunderstand things, just like they misunderstand the Dietary Guidelines and American Diabetes Association's (ADA) advice. No one has an issue when a person eats real food. It's not the real food that's in contention. It's the stick of butter over the rib eye. It's the unnecessary block of cream cheese over the dozen eggs. Or what about that carton of heavy cream that's downed, on its own? My personal favorite is the bottle of ghee, that sits on the kitchen table so the person can eat a spoonful, just because. That's the issue. Butter, steak, eggs, ghee and even cream cheese are all real food, but the person who's eating them that way is a freak and people recognize absurdity when they see it.

If "keto" people would sit down to eat, like normal human beings, there would no issue whatsoever. No one would have an issue if someone sat down with a plate of steak and broccoli with a pat of butter over it and an after dinner coffee with some heavy cream in it. No one. They wouldn't even notice. I have sat in front of many people, who follow the Standard American Diet (SAD), and ate my meal with no issue whatsoever. None. In fact, they all have commented on how healthy it looks. But if I sit down with a cup of coconut oil and a whole ham, then they might make a comment. People speak on things that are bizarre. I know I would. I would at least tell them to give me a call after they poop tomorrow.

2. Some people can up their fat intake and still lose weight.

One of the benefits of having super leptin sensitivity is that when you increase energy nutrients, like fat or carbs, body fat is lost. Leptin simply senses enough nutrients coming in and signals to the brain to begin burning fat as it's not necessary to keep so much of it in storage since there is no starvation.

The body complies with leptin's demands by increasing basal metabolic rate for work, not storage, but work. I make that distinction because people who are actively storing fat can also display a high basal metabolic rate as it takes energy to store energy. When leptin is working properly, the person will feel more energy to be more active. Basically the body is now honed to expend energy rather than spare it.

Obese people do not experience this. They can eat large amounts of fat or carbs and receive no benefits from leptin whatsoever because they do not have proper leptin expression. The only time that obese people lose weight when eating large amounts of fat, is when they drop their carbs to very low levels and they momentarily experience some weight loss as their insulin lowers and their metabolism is no longer competing with glucose. It now only has one fuel to use - fat. But the effects are short lived and soon their weight stalls, while still overweight/obese, and the benefits come to a halt. In many cases, they begin gaining weight as now their previous fat consumption is too high for their new lower weight. This is why we often see that the obese who benefit momentarily from this excess fat consumption are the morbidly obese.

3. If you had lap band surgery, and cannot eat much, you will not be able to consume enough protein. 

You will have to supplement with a good quality whey protein shake in the meantime. I am sure your doctor discussed this with you and might have even prescribed special meal replacement products for you to use.

4. You do not have to worry about an LDL of 152 if your HDL is 71.

You can't use blunt tools to perform precise work. Your LDL of 152 tells me nothing about your LDL function. Your HDL of 71 tells me nothing about your HDL function. Total lipid numbers say nothing about lipid health. If you have heart disease in your family, that might give you a clearer picture of your risk.

You can obtain more information with an advanced lipid panel, omega 3 to omega 6 ratio and oxidized LDL number, but again, none of these tests can predict cardiovascular disease. You would have to see a lipidologist and have advanced genetic testing done for specific lipid related cardiovascular risks.

5. Gastroparesis occurs from eating eggs.

No. Indigestion might occur from eating anything that doesn't sit well with you but gastroparesis is a condition that is usually the result of vagal nerves disruption. This is common in people who have metabolic problems, particularly Type I diabetics.

6. I lost weight very quickly. I am down to 120 lbs. I need to now eat more fat in order to gain muscle.

When the body is able to lose body fat, it might lose a lot of it quickly. Usually, you will eventually begin to gain weight back though and it will be mostly muscle, but the body also likes to put on some fat. You gain the muscle by eating adequate protein and exercising. Not by eating fat. The body will gain fat on its own by suppressing leptin. Every time you lose body fat, the body will put a halt to it through the down regulation of leptin expression. You do not need to consume fat to do this. Your body will do it on its own so do not expect to stay at 120 lbs.

Now all you have to do is recalculate your macros for your new lower body fat percentage. The lower your body fat percentage, the more leeway you have for dietary fat intake but remember, that is just a rule of thumb not necessarily a rule for you. It all depends on your leptin sensitivity

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