
My name is Gina and I would like to welcome you to my blog!

On this blog, I not only share the dietary and lifestyle approach which reversed my metabolic disease and achieved my weight loss, but I also debunk many misconceptions surrounding obesity and its treatment.

I am 5'5" and was weighing 300 lbs., at my heaviest. I lost a total of 180 lbs. I went through several phases of low carbohydrate dieting, until I found what worked best and that is what I share on this blog. Once on a carbohydrate restricted diet, along with intermittent fasting, I dropped all of the weight in a little over two years time.

My weight loss was achieved without any kind of surgery, bariatric or cosmetic. I also did not take any weight loss medications or supplements. I did not use any weight loss program. This weight loss was solely the result of a very low carbohydrate, whole foods based diet, along with daily intermittent fasting and exercise.

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Nov 7, 2022

Six common beliefs addressed, Part 200

1. Eating fat helps with satiety.

The macronutrient of satiety is protein. The only time the body becomes “hungry for fat”, is if you were going through “rabbit starvation”. Then there would be a fat deficiency and the body would be continuously hungry until the deficiency was addressed.

Fat is an essential nutrient. You can only make so much of it by breaking down your own muscle mass. You have to intake fat through the diet somehow. In Western society you will be hard pressed to find someone going through “rabbit starvation” unless they were stranded up in the mountains and can only hunt wild game. Even so, it is easy to eat the fatty organs of an animal and obtain fat that way. For everyone else, you do not ward off hunger by eating fat. If you are eating modern fare, you are getting plenty of fat.

The majority of people in modern society are protein starved and that's where their hunger is coming from. This is especially true if you are overweight/obese. You never want to ward off hunger with fat. That is like warding off hunger with carbs. It works the same way. You need to consume enormous amounts of fat or carbs to ward off hunger temporarily, only to face more hunger again in a few hours. This merry-go-round will make you astronomically obese. You have to get off that ride. You were already on it when you were eating carbs. Don’t get back on it by eating fat. The results will be the same.

2. I was told that the minimum grams of fat a day are 30.

Only if you are on a low fat diet. That would be the absolute minimum, but we don't advise low fat diets on this blog. We advise 50 grams of fat day, as the minimum, instead.

3. You should consume medium chain triglycerides (MCT) oil.

Not if you are overweight/obese. If you are under a doctor’s supervision because you are following a classic ketogenic diet, then MCT oil would be a part of your protocol since it allows you to meet your caloric requirements, on a very restrictive diet, and you would need to produce ketones for your brain to use as energy. Other than that, stay away from it. You should not be in the habit of consuming isolated fats. Eat proper meals.

4. All of these "low carb doctors" are now on the covers of tabloid magazines.

That's because they will never be able to be featured in a medical publication. They are quacks so tabloids are the only place they can be featured.

5. I read a lot of headlines that claim someone “lost weight” and “cured their diabetes” or that there is a diet that “speeds up your thyroid”. 

Those magazines also feature new dessert recipes while trying to promise you different cures for obesity. It is all quackery. Just like the answer to the question above, all of this stuff is on tabloids because it is not taken serious by any legitimate medical source.

You do not “lose weight” and “cure your diabetes”. You lose weight and lower your blood glucose OR you obtain proper blood glucose regulation, lose body fat and put diabetes into remission. Those are the only two options. The third is to remain diabetic.

Many people who are overweight/obese have been diagnosed with diabetes because all a diabetes diagnosis requires is high fasting blood glucose. People who are overweight/obese, not only have a high insulin demand, due to their high body fat, but their insulin has lost its proper function due to blood glucose dysregulation. Losing weight lowers this insulin demand and this helps it regain some of its proper function. More importantly, the fact that weight was lost, means there is better blood glucose control. Unfortunately with time, it has been seen that blood glucose will once again lose its regulation because the diabetes was never “cured”. There is no cure for diabetes. This is why there are plenty of people who are not overweight/obese and also have Type II diabetes. Would weight loss cure their diabetes too? I don't think so.

Diabetes is a very complex metabolic adaptation with several contributing factors but no known cure. One contributing factor is high body fat but that high body fat is caused by a complex hormonal interplay that is not resolved by simply lowering blood glucose or losing weight.

"Speeding up your thyroid" is absolutely meaningless as your thyroid is a slave to your metabolic profile. Like I have said many times before, a "fast thyroid" can make you fat or make you thin. A "slow thyroid" can make you fat or make you thin. The thyroid simply behaves according to the metabolic environment it’s in, unless there is an actual disease affecting its function.

6. A “BBBE” is a good “weight loss hack”.

There are no "weight loss hacks" if the weight you want to lose is body fat. If you just want to "lose weight", then you can hack off a leg or dehydrate yourself until you're a few pounds "thinner". Obesity, on the other hand, is a condition that can only be treated with long term solutions and hacks are not long term. Well, unless you really hacked off your leg. That would be permanent.

BBBE (beef, bacon, butter and eggs) is just like all the other alphabet soup fad diets out there. It works by lowering insulin, causing a release of retained water. That is what causes the initial "weight loss". This doesn't even put a dent on body fat as diets that are high in fat, only contribute to more fat storage for those who are not leptin sensitive. If you are obese, there is a high probability you are not leptin sensitive because if you were, then any other diet would have worked for you already and you wouldn't be entertaining the tabloids for new ones.

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