
My name is Gina and I would like to welcome you to my blog!

On this blog, I not only share the dietary and lifestyle approach which reversed my metabolic disease and achieved my weight loss, but I also debunk many misconceptions surrounding obesity and its treatment.

I am 5'5" and was weighing 300 lbs., at my heaviest. I lost a total of 180 lbs. I went through several phases of low carbohydrate dieting, until I found what worked best and that is what I share on this blog. Once on a carbohydrate restricted diet, along with intermittent fasting, I dropped all of the weight in a little over two years time.

My weight loss was achieved without any kind of surgery, bariatric or cosmetic. I also did not take any weight loss medications or supplements. I did not use any weight loss program. This weight loss was solely the result of a very low carbohydrate, whole foods based diet, along with daily intermittent fasting and exercise.

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Jan 9, 2023

Six common beliefs addressed, Part 209

1. My trainer told me that they can't wait to get up in the morning and eat. They are hungry before their feet hit the ground but I am never hungry in the mornings. I have always skipped breakfast. My trainer is 110 lbs. of mostly muscle. I am obese. I have always been told that the obese have uncontrollable hunger, not the lean, so what happened to us?

Because you have been duped by the calories in/calories out (CICO) theory of obesity. It goes like this: Fat people are always hungry so they eat more calories than they burn. There is another one that goes as follows: Fat people are very lazy so they burn less calories than they eat. How well has that worked so far?

Look, there are some fat people who are always hungry but the vast majority of them aren't. Fat people are the most un-hungry people on the planet. They can literally spend hours without eating. The fat people who are always hungry, tend to be able to lose their weight effortlessly once they are on the right protocol. The fat people who are never hungry, tend to have intractable obesity. It all boils down to leptin. 

Your trainer has intact and proper leptin expression. In the mornings, they just woke up from an overnight fast. This means they are ready to eat since their metabolic hormones are communicating the right information to their brain about their current nutrient status. They have tapped into their fat stores enough. Now the body wants more fuel to burn. This is especially true since they are mostly burning body fat as they sleep. Their metabolism isn't going to let them deplete all of their body fat. They have to eat. This is again why early eating has been associated with leanness. You are suppose to be hungry after an overnight fast. That's how this works.

The obese can fast forever without hunger and not burn one single fat cell in the process. Most obese people wake up not hungry and skip breakfast. This is typical of poor leptin expression and active obesity. You are not burning any fuel and your body doesn't want any more because it won’t burn that either. Metabolism is slowed to a crawl.

I hate to break the news to you but there isn't much you can do about this. No one has been able to restore leptin expression in anyone. At least, not with what we know so far about the mechanisms of its under expression. The only thing you can do is try to keep your blood glucose steady to see if you can cause your leptin to function as it should. For this reason, you shouldn't skip breakfast.

2. It is easier to lose weight if you became fat from eating real food than it would for people who became fat from eating junk.

No. It's the same. Becoming overweight/obese is caused by the chronic disruption of blood glucose regulation, which abnormalizes insulin expression and ultimately chronically under expresses leptin. There are many ways this can happen because there are many ways to disrupt blood glucose homeostasis. Disruption to blood glucose homeostasis is the leading cause of leptin under expression which results in overweight/obesity.

Not all people are obese from eating junk. Many people are obese from simply eating inappropriately or not eating at all. That's why there are so many obese people who swear up and down they are "eating healthy" and they technically are. They are just not eating appropriately for metabolism to work properly since their eating habits are disrupting their blood glucose regulation. This can be done with simply the chronic consumption of caffeine with no junk food in sight. You would be surprised to know just how many diabetics caffeine has made.

The only fat that is hard to get rid of is fat from fructose because of the interference in hypothalamic cross talk which has life long repercussions. The liver fat fructose makes can be shed quite easily but its effects on the hypothalamic/pituitary/adrenal (HPA) axis is usually irreversible.

3. I don't know what's going on with me but I have been extended fasting for a long while now and my weight doesn't budge. It goes down a few pounds during the fast but then goes right back after. Will this fasting ever work? 

No. I am not afraid to say it won't. It never had and it never will. All you're doing is playing around with your water retention and teaching your fat cells to store more. You are absolutely yo-yoing.

What makes yo-yoing so dangerous if it's only water? It's an information your body is receiving that you are always at the brink of starvation. This is because starvation interferes with blood glucose regulation. That is why you lose water weight. Blood glucose plummets, insulin follows suit and retained water is lost. You would think this is a good thing because it allows you to button your pants, temporarily, but it actually reinforces the starvation response. After all, blood glucose and insulin only plummet due to starvation. This causes a sparing of fat mass.

Even though you are only going up and down in water weight, in the long run, you will store more fat when you do eat, making you fatter over time. Worse, this mechanism also makes it harder to lose your fat mass when you finally get serious about doing so.

4. I was recommended to eat large amounts of vegetables in order to feel full and not eat later. 

I have spoken about this before and it's shim-sham. Like I have said in other posts, eating mountains of vegetables alongside a controlled serving of meat is called a protein sparing modified fast (PSMF). It is very effective but there is no need to call it anything other than what it is. You don't have to pay to follow this type of protocol. They have many PSMF menus/programs online for free.

The reason they are making you eat mountains of vegetables is because vegetables have the least calories. You control your protein intake because meat is what has the calories. But eating a bucket of vegetables is eating a bucket of carbs. It fills you up momentarily and you will be starving in a few hours.

The macronutrient of satiety is protein. Until the body gets its daily dose of adequate protein, it will continue to be hungry. Now a lot of these programs do recommend adequate protein intake so they swear to you up and down that the reason you feel full is because of all those vegetables you ate. Wrong. You feel full because you ate enough protein for the day. This means you could have thrown those vegetables into the compost bin. They did nothing for you except give you gas and a psychological feeling that you are eating a lot because your plate is overflowing.

Don't eat like a cow. Just eat normal and focus on your protein intake, nothing else.

5. Obese people on "keto" are able to eat large amounts of fat and not get disgusted. Now the new thing are "Butter Bites". Who eats that?

People with severe eating disorders. You have to understand that a lot of these obese people never ate normally. Ever. When they were eating carbs they would eat whole bags of chips, bars of candies, boxes of crackers, loaves of bread. Their eating habits have not changed just because they switched from carbs to fat. They are still eating in the same exact way. So yes, these people can eat an entire bottle of ghee because they use to eat an entire package of mac n' cheese. Their issues continue. They just have a new target now.

People without eating disorders would absolutely be grossed out by eating a spoonful of butter. They wouldn't be able to eat a whole pound of bacon. They basically would not be able to keep up with this nonsense. But these are also the people who will be most successful with their dietary intervention. People with eating disorders are very likely to fail at their intervention because it doesn't matter what diet they follow, they tend to take their habits with them, ruining any chance of success they could have had.

That's why there is no one protocol for the treatment of obesity. It is not just as simple as following a diet or exercise program. There are many other things that have to be addressed as well and one of those is behavior.

6. Is there a protocol for people who don't like to cook?

No. People who don't like to cook are the fattest people around. A lot of people are under the assumption that if the person is obese, they must be a great cook....well...not exactly. Most of these people live off novelties, not real cooked meals.

You cannot eat in an appropriate manner without cooking unless you are eating raw meat, which we don't advocate on this blog. Protein is your most important macronutrient and it usually comes in a form that must be cooked - meat. So, you have to cook by default. Cooking meat extracts the most nutrients from it.

Eating bowls of raw salads, bunches of nuts, slabs of cheese and/or grinding fruits into smoothies are not appropriate ways to eat.

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