1. Do you have "evidence" against the belief that the fiber in whole fresh fruit forms a barrier which causes the sugars to bypass the small intestine and instead go straight to the large intestine where it is eaten by the gut microbiome?
Yes. Eat fresh whole fruit and then use your blood glucose meter. Let me know if the sugar was eaten by your microbiome before it hit your blood stream.
2. If cigarettes and alcohol have warning labels, shouldn't candy, fruit juices and soda have them too?
You're asking the wrong person as I'm of the belief that nothing should have warning labels.
3. I read a book many years ago, that claimed "if you ate a diet of minimal fat and protein, with full complex carbs, the body would naturally reduce weight to its correct proportion for your individual needs". Is this true?
No. A correct way of saying this would be that "if you can acquire proper leptin expression, the body will naturally burn body fat to its correct proportion for your individual needs". Nothing else matters. Literally, nothing.
4. I have a friend who is lean having only 14% body fat. They have no gym membership and enjoy all of the fatty meat they can. I exercise and watch every morsel of food I intake but I cannot make any headway. My friend said that the solution is very simple - Just eliminate all sugar and grains and the problem will correct itself. Is this true?
Ask all of the people who have done just that and are also not making any headway. In fact, read the post below this one.
It is not that simple. People who are obesity resistant, meaning they have proper leptin expression, always want to make it appear very simple because it is for them. They can eat all the fat they want and remain at 14% body fat effortlessly because their set point was always 14% body fat to begin with. The lack of exercise will come back to haunt them in time but they will be able to keep their leptin expression in tact for a very long time if they can continue to preserve their blood glucose regulation. Staying away from sugar and grains is a good place to start in order to try and accomplish just that.
Unfortunately simply staying away from sugar and grains is not a magical cure for those that are already obese. The hope is that the avoidance of sugar and grains will normalize their blood glucose regulation enough to kick start their leptin but that's not guaranteed. It is the best way to go about it but it's not a magical cure. So tell your friend that the only thing that keeps them at 14% body fat is their leptin, not their simple solutions.
5. I went carnivore and have gained about 50 lbs. I have also developed neuropathy and I can't even exercise anymore because of the aches and pains. I am in the worst health of my life. I thought I was alone but I am quickly finding more people who have diligently followed this diet for several years and are facing the same issues. I am trying to find a doctor to solve this mess for me.
If you don't treat your metabolic syndrome properly, it will eventually lead to serious health complications and/or diabetes. Metabolic syndrome will not go away on its own. It is chronic and progressive, just like its end stage of diabetes.
You were sold a diet as a cure to a very complex metabolic adaptation and unfortunately, you fell for it. You were most likely not following the diet correctly and you were not monitoring your progress on it. If you are on a diet for six months and see no benefits and/or develop detriments instead, you need to stop it. Why people continue to be on the same failed protocol for years is mind boggling to me. People do this with calorie restriction all of the time as well. They keep chasing the dragon. The dragon were those initial few pounds you lost when you started which quickly reversed and were never lost again. Wake up. You will never catch the dragon.
You should have diligently researched the diet and tracked your results before you let this continue on for years on end. Most importantly, you should have researched obesity so that you would have known that your magical carnivore diet does not equate to proper blood glucose regulation or leptin expression. Unless a diet can promise you these, it is a roll of the dice. It might work or it might not or it might work for you and not for others or vice versa.
6. My endocrinologist told me that exercise was not important and it only equates to about a 3 pound loss a year. He also prescribed an injectable "weight loss" medication but when I researched it, the manufacturer clearly stated on their website that it was not intended for weight loss and worked similarly to Metformin. I am obese but not diabetic, not even prediabetic. He sent the medication to the wrong pharmacy as well and it was not even taken by my insurance, though he had verified both during my visit. It's like he's not paying attention. By the way, he emphasized fasting and is now selling supplements. I believe the pharmacy he sent the medication to is the same one making his supplements.
Good grief..... Going to the doctor lately has become akin to watching an episode of The Three Stooges. I don't know why I keep receiving these complaints lately but they seem to have become quite common. People are noticing that their doctors are becoming quacks right before their very eyes as they try to open their own "online" consultation services alongside their supplements. I don't know what's going on except that word is getting around that quackery simply pays more with less work, just like diet programs do. You will soon lose your doctor when they no longer take your insurance but will take your subscription to their website instead. Word to the wise - find another doctor ASAP. Don't let manure hit the fan before you do. At this point, you are no longer receiving adequate care.
Aside from that, I have no idea what your doctor is talking about or what his deal with exercise is. He is most likely practicing how to pander to obese clients, by promising them an easy "solution" that doesn't require them to rise their butts off their motorized carts. Who knows. All I know is that you will never obtain proper blood glucose regulation and energy flux without exercise. Period. You will not. Ever. Instead, you will forever be fiddling with your "diet" because it will forever stop working.
You can't treat a condition with incomplete protocols. Like I have said before, if you had to choose one thing because you couldn't choose both diet and exercise, then choose exercise. It just has a more overall metabolic affect than diet and research has shown this time and time again.
I can't second guess a physician over prescribed medications. I can only give you the facts, which you can also Google yourself, by the way. It seems like you already did and found out the medication is not for weight loss but for diabetes instead. The fact that you are not diabetic is most likely why your insurance will not cover it. Again, I have no clue why he described this as a "weight loss" medication, if it's not. We simply don't know what's in his mind except dollar signs. It appears that Big Pharma was more honest, in this case, than your own doctor. There is nothing you can inject to cause "weight loss". At least not while remaining healthy. Medications that play around with your insulin function will cause you further problems in the future, because you are not currently diabetic. Diabetics are at a stage where they have no choice, but you do.
I'm glad to see you are questioning everything and doing your own research because this is a perfect example of lazy medicine from a doctor who is begrudgingly at this office until he can make his escape into the profitable world of "low carb". Don't be a victim of his ambitions. Let him go down that path by himself because you need to focus on your own goals.