
My name is Gina and I would like to welcome you to my blog!

On this blog, I not only share the dietary and lifestyle approach which reversed my metabolic disease and achieved my weight loss, but I also debunk many misconceptions surrounding obesity and its treatment.

I am 5'5" and was weighing 300 lbs., at my heaviest. I lost a total of 180 lbs. I went through several phases of low carbohydrate dieting, until I found what worked best and that is what I share on this blog. Once on a carbohydrate restricted diet, along with intermittent fasting, I dropped all of the weight in a little over two years time.

My weight loss was achieved without any kind of surgery, bariatric or cosmetic. I also did not take any weight loss medications or supplements. I did not use any weight loss program. This weight loss was solely the result of a very low carbohydrate, whole foods based diet, along with daily intermittent fasting and exercise.

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Mar 2, 2020

Six common beliefs addressed, Part 62

1. Low carb is only when the diet is "keto" or 0 carbs.

Carbohydrate restriction is just that - carbohydrate restriction. You simply prioritize protein, moderate fat and keep carbohydrates low. Low carb is most effectively done through the elimination of sugar and grains. This will automatically make your diet low carbohydrate by default. Keep your carbohydrates whole. You don't count the carbs in greens, sulfurs, nightshades or cruciferous vegetables. It’s low carb, not no carb. It’s only no carb if you wish to follow a carnivore style diet, but for the vast majority of people, that is not necessary.

Simple carbohydrate restriction, as described above, is enough to shift metabolism into ketosis and address it’s dysfunction. Low carb ranges anywhere between 100 grams of carbohydrates, a day, to 0 grams. That allows for a lot of leeway to find what is sustainable and works for you.

2. Low carb is only when the diet is high in fat.

Carbohydrate restriction is not code word for fat addition. Carbohydrates are replaced with protein and fiber (low glucose), not fat. The initial hunger the person feels on low carb is because they are automatically eating less energy and less food over all. As metabolism adjusts, hunger reduces. You do not replace high energy, carbohydrate foods with high energy, fat foods.

3. As long as you don't eat junk food, you will lose weight.

As long as you stabilize your blood glucose, you will lose weight. 

4. Low carb cookbooks will help you lose weight and follow the diet properly. 

Cook books and weight loss books do not help you stabilize your blood glucose. As long as you stabilize your blood glucose, you will lose weight. 

5. If you lift heavy, you can avoid and/or cure metabolic disease and lose weight. 

As long as you stabilize your blood glucose, you will lose weight. 

Obese people lift heavy everyday, without ever picking up a single barbell. They carry their 100 - 200 or more lbs., of excess weight, everywhere they go. This is why obese people can be exceptionally strong. They are getting a massive workout from just walking to their car through the Walmart parking lot. You would think that having to lug around such massive body mass, continuously, would be beneficial for their metabolism, as they are building muscle, but you would be wrong.

Muscle is only protective in the absence of excess body fat. That sentence needs to be written on the chalkboard 100 times, until it sinks in, since the low carb world doesn't seem to get it. Building muscle on top of fat is not going to save you from diabetes. It doesn’t work that way. The priority for the diabetic is to decrease body fat. You can only decrease body fat through the stabilization of blood glucose. That is why it's funny to see an obese person, bench pressing a small cow, while claiming how healthy they are now. That same obese person would not be able to do a single push up, the true measure of healthy metabolic output.

Being a bodybuilder will not save you from diabetes, because it can not save you from acquiring enough excess body fat to tip your metabolism into an unhealthy state, even with large muscles. Large muscles do not equate to lower body fat. This is why professional bodybuilders track their body fat, very closely, and not just their muscle.

Hunter/gatherers do not "lift heavy". They do everything in their power to not have to lift a thing, sort of like me. What they do have is very low body fat and that's not acquired with lifting. That's acquired with the proper diet and exercise regimen that stimulates long term metabolic output from fat storage through the stabilization of blood glucose.

6. All disease is cured through diet and if it isn't, you should just continue your diet and wait it out. 

Facebook and YouTube have tried to shut many charlatans down, but they have done a piss poor job at it. Many honest, non-charlatan pages have been removed instead, during this badly implemented purge, punishing the innocent, while leaving many guilty ones unscathed.

When you go to many of these low carb/"keto" pages and groups, their first order of "treatment" is their "miracle diet", which they claim heals everything from ingrown toenails to cancer. Unfortunately, I actually witnessed the latter, first hand, with the death of a member of a "fasting group" who refused treatment for cancer, because she believed "fasting" would cure her through "autophagy". Through the years, I've seen many people hospitalized and nearly killed from this sort of quack advice.

When you join a group or page and they tell you that their diet will "cure" you, that's a guarantee that these people do not care about you or your health. They are going to end up killing or maiming you. It's time to kick rocks out of there. I am hoping that one day a precedence will be set, when a victim sues one of these quacks, shutting them down and preventing this from happening again. It appears that litigation is the only way to stop the tsunami of charlatans.

If you are having persistent symptoms and/or a medical condition, you must go to a medical professional for help. Diet and exercise advice is only to be used for the improvement and support of a healthy metabolism, enhancing medical treatments. It is not the treatment. Do not ignore what your body is telling you, because some fool online, who is usually obese to boot, is telling you they have your "cure" all figured out.

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