
My name is Gina and I would like to welcome you to my blog!

On this blog, I not only share the dietary and lifestyle approach which reversed my metabolic disease and achieved my weight loss, but I also debunk many misconceptions surrounding obesity and its treatment.

I am 5'5" and was weighing 300 lbs., at my heaviest. I lost a total of 180 lbs. I went through several phases of low carbohydrate dieting, until I found what worked best and that is what I share on this blog. Once on a carbohydrate restricted diet, along with intermittent fasting, I dropped all of the weight in a little over two years time.

My weight loss was achieved without any kind of surgery, bariatric or cosmetic. I also did not take any weight loss medications or supplements. I did not use any weight loss program. This weight loss was solely the result of a very low carbohydrate, whole foods based diet, along with daily intermittent fasting and exercise.

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Apr 25, 2022

Six common beliefs addressed, Part 172

1. The body does not know how much glucose to make during stress.

This is correct, but only of people with metabolic syndrome/diabetes. 

Metabolic syndrome/diabetes is when you do not have proper blood glucose regulation. This means you make too much blood glucose when you don't have to and too little when you do. This causes erratic lows and highs in blood glucose, with large disparities between the two. 

When you have metabolic syndrome/diabetes and suffer from an injury, illness, dehydration, strenuous exercise, hormonal imbalances, etc. you will produce glucose at an exaggerated rate through an over expressed adrenal stress response. It is this response that eventually drives the condition and progresses it over time.

2. I use to be able to eat oregano but now if I try it, I get gastroparesis and it triggers my seizures. 

Stay away from oregano if it is causing you this type of distress.

Herbs can have some powerful compounds in them. They have been used medicinally for millennia so you have to be careful of what affect they may produce in you. These effects can change over time so just because something didn't cause you any harm in the past, does not mean it will remain that way in the future. Our body's chemistry changes over time, especially when your entire diet changes.

3. Only thin people should give recommendations and advice to the overweight/obese.

The problem with these overweight/obese low carb advocates is not their weight. The problem is their lies and the continuous promotion of misinformation just for the sake of making money. Those are two very different things. You can be overweight/obese and still talk about overweight/obesity. Remember, there is no known cure for overweight/obesity, so anyone who speaks about it is not suppose to be selling you a "cure". If they are, they are a scammer/quack. 

So their weight is not the problem, as long as they are not misguiding people for their own personal financial gain. The battle of the bulge is something we are all dealing with in this sphere. Just because you know what causes overweight/obesity, does not mean you can change it in yourself or anyone else. In fact, if you truly know what causes overweight/obesity you would know for certain that you can't change it in yourself or anyone else.

You can't say that only thin people can speak on overweight/obesity because we already have that. They are called the diet industry, which is completely overrun by thin, obesity resistant, athletic types that have no clue what obesity is or its mechanism. People who were once obese and then became thin are not the only ones who have dibs on speaking about this subject because that's saying that they have some "magical" cure, which they only know about. That's not true. They were at the mercy of their blood glucose regulation and how it reacted to treatment.

Again, there is no known cure for overweight/obesity. There are only interventions that might or might not work for each individual. The length of time that they might work will also vary. Overweight/obesity is a lifetime problem. Once the ball gets rolling, it's very difficult to stop it.

So you shouldn't discredit someone who is overweight/obese simply because they are overweight/obese. You discredit them when they are full of BS. You also cannot assume that their diet is incorrect either because many things besides diet contribute to overweight/obesity. In other words, you can't fault the person who is doing everything right and is still having an issue with body fat. But you can blame the person who insists on doing everything wrong and is still having an issue with body fat.

4. If someone eats a potato and their blood glucose does not rise, it means they have stabilized or "reversed" their Type II diabetes.

This false belief goes to show how the low carb community is misinforming their followers at the detriment of their health.

I have explained before how diabetes is not a "disease of high blood glucose" but a metabolic adaptation towards high blood glucose caused by abnormalities in insulin function. This means you can easily and temporarily manipulate your blood glucose numbers through the foods you eat. I want everyone to keep in mind that there is a window during the "disease" process when this is still able to be done but there comes a time when this is no longer possible and blood glucose will no longer respond to what you eat, as the dysfunction becomes primarily "stress hormone driven". You cannot reverse the metabolic adaptation of diabetes using temporary methods such as the "foods you eat". Diabetes is not controlled through individual food items, but by having an overall dietary protocol and lifestyle to match.

Eating a potato and not seeing blood glucose rise is not indicative of anything. It doesn't mean you do not have diabetes nor does it mean you do. Individual and singular blood glucose readings are meaningless when it comes to metabolic dysfunction. You can easily manipulate what the reading will be by simply eating a very small amount of potato or a red potato, rather than a baking potato, or a potato with butter on it, rather than plain, or a potato on its own instead of accompanied with other foods, etc. The effects of the potato are not indicative of the progression of your dysfunction. The abnormality continues, even with a minimal to no rise in blood glucose from a potato.

Diabetes is not a disease of what happens to your blood glucose after eating a potato. Diabetes is a disease of poor blood glucose regulation which deteriorates insulin function over time and under expresses leptin causing the storing and sparing of body fat. It is an adaptation towards starvation because metabolism starts to do everything as if it was starving, including the sparing of glucose for the creation of more fat (insulin resistance).

So instead of focusing on what your glucose reading is after eating a potato, you should focus on an over all anti obesogenic lifestyle that will stop the onslaught to your body and give it a chance at reversal.

5. If you go carnivore, it can change your microbiome in a way that would cause you to be unable to eat plant foods again if you ever decide to in the future.

No. A person's microbiome is very individualized, like a fingerprint. Our microbiomes are very difficult to change, as many factors contribute to which organisms thrive in us and which don't. Colonies of bacteria, temporarily increase and decrease due to diet changes and other factors but never enough to cause long term issues unless a very unusual circumstance occurs like being on a long term antibiotic, which can result in certain gastrointestinal disorders. Simply not eating vegetables is not enough to cause any major changes in a person's microbiome.

When I was a little kid, I was playing in a pool and decided that it was a good idea to drink pool water for about an hour straight. I had massive gastrointestinal issues but after a few weeks, my microbiome returned to what it had always been. We are the bacteria inside of us so just like we can't rearrange our face easily, as it would take an extreme intervention like surgery, our microbiomes are also resistant to change unless an extreme intervention occurs.

What can make you intolerant, to the reintroduction of vegetables, is a lack of enzymes to break them down but those are built back up in a short time.

6. The "keto" diet has been a failure for most people.

Because "keto", as it's been marketed, is exactly the same as the Standard American Diet (SAD).

SAD consists of a combination of carbs, salt, sugar and fat. "Keto" consists of a combination of salt, artificial sugar and fat. On "keto" carbs are dropped but they are replaced with even more fat. So, in the end, these diets cancel themselves out and become the exact same thing. When you do the same things, you acquire the same results.

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